2025 Retreats at Wiawaka
June 27th-29th
Embracing Life’s Transitions- A Right of Passage into Aging With Resilience led by Cat Lynch
July 18th-20th
The Art of Relating: Pathways to Expression with Joelle Lydon
July 18th-19th
Cultivating Wellness Retreat: Meditation, Sound Bathing and Connection with Nature led by Melissa Wilson
August 4th
An Ayurvedic Guide to Healthy
Living day retreat with Linda Tipke
August 1st-3rd
Adirondack Ayurveda Presents Treating and Healing Your Autoimmunity led by Linda Tipke
July 18th-20th
The Women's Liberation Festival: Uncover your Inner Goddess led by Lauren Toolin
July 25th-27th
YOUniquely YOU Putting Women First
led by Sharon Burstein
August 8th-11th
Believe in Your Magic Retreat
with Maria Brown & Steph Levine
August 21st-23rd
10th Annual Appreciation Celebration Yoga Retreat led by Facilitators Kathleen Fisk and Tina Briscoe
August 23rd-30th
Quilting and Appliqué Retreat with Instructor Pat Bayard