Additional Wiawaka Workshops 2025
Living with Intention
June 30th, 2025
Instructor: Lorin Beller
Cost of the workshop is $40 (this includes the day pass as well as materials and class fee)
This class is for people that want to live more intentional and learn really what it means to do so. We will look at 8 areas of our lives and what the goals are vs the intentions so that we can separate the two very distinctly. When doing so, this changes the entire way to choose to live! Life becomes more magical. We become more present and more peaceful - because we realize what we are in charge of and what we are not. Each participant will also receive a custom bracelet to use as a reminder for the remainder of the calendar year.
Lorin Beller has been working with her Intention Wheel since she created it it in 2002. 1000's of people have used it over the years. And dozens have used it for 2 decades! Because it is a tool that truly creates clarity and direction. Lorin has a masters degree and great experience as an entrepreneur the past 30 years. It brings her joy to inspire others to live intentionally. For more information about Lorin see:
Forest Bathing
July 1st, 2025
Instructor: Diane Collins
Cost of the workshop is $20, this includes the book.
$30 for the workshop and a day pass.
15 minute discussion about Forest Bathing history and benefits then personal time in local woods “bathing” in the sights and sounds that surround us. Included in program is a copy of new recent booklet “Queensbury Trails”
Diane is a Naturalist and wildflower photographer and publisher of wildflower booklets in partnership with local non-profits.
We all have an inner critic, that gremlin that tells us we’re not smart enough, thin enough, young enough, pretty enough, just NOT ENOUGH. Our critic also tells us what we can have and who we can be. It tells us not to try because we will surely fail, so why bother? If you’re ready to deal with your inner critic and bust through the negative self-talk, join us for this two-hour adventure. You may be surprised!
Workshop facilitator, Cate LaBarre, is a Certified Master Life Coach and Daring Way™ Facilitator.
Tame Your Inner Critic
July 18th, 2025
Instructor: Cate LaBarre
Cost of the workshop is $25
To purchase lunch or a day pass call Wiawaka at 518-668-9690
Drum Class
July 22nd, 2025
Instructors: Olympia Avignone and John Ward
Drum Circle 7:00pm-9:00pm
Drum Class: Have fun learning hand drum technique and West African Rhythms. No prior experience necessary, all skill levels welcome from beginner to advanced, drums provided if needed. Learn West African rhythms and how to participate in drum circles. The rhythms that we cover will have parts for everyone, regardless of skill level: simpler components for anyone new to the drum, up to more complicated facets of the music, such as rhythmic phrases specific to the dances that go with a particular rhythm.
Drum Circle: Engage in a centuries old tradition that brings us together in a joyful exploration of rhythm . John and Olympia will facilitate the rhythms in the circle, playing those learned in the workshop or creating new ones on the spot as we co-create the musical experience. Join us in this rhythmic exploration and entrainment with all participants. Dancing is welcome and encouraged! Drums and percussion provided if needed.
In 1991, John Ward’s life changed forever, through his introduction to the drum, and the world of rhythm. He sought out master drummers and teachers from West Africa to study with, and in time, playing drums went from a hobby to a profession. In the thirty+ years that have followed, he has taught classes for beginning and advanced students, plays for dance classes, facilitates drum circles, plays at private and corporate affairs, and has recorded percussion tracks for many artists. He has performed with Babatunji Olatunji’s Drums of Passion, worked with Kemoko Sano, choreographer of the National Ballet of Guinee’ West Africa, done workshops with artists from the Paul Taylor dance company, David Parsons, Alvin Ailey, Jose’ Limon, and many others.
Olympia Ward has played drums for 30+ years, studying and performing in the following traditions: West and North African, Middle Eastern, Caribbean, Native American and Southern Italian and currently facilitates drum circles in the Catskill mountains and plays percussion in a duo.
Cost of the workshop is $55, this includes the use of a drum.
Spaces are limited. You do not have to attend the drum circle if you would just like to participate in the class.
Blessings of Trees and Earth-An Experiential Workshop
July 24, 2025
Instructors: Claire Nolan and Eileen Egan Mack
Come explore the wonders of nature through seeing, hearing, and sensing the wonders of Mother Earth. Stories will lead the way to interactive experiences with nature. Shower yourself with the joy of discovery of being outdoors and being with others who want to find appreciation in Nature.
Bring a notebook, insect repellent, a hat, a towel, swimsuit, pencils. We will talk, write, listen, feel, and we will end the afternoon with a swim in the blue waters of Lake George(optional). Or you can just sit on the dock and dip in your toes!
Cost of the workshop is $50 including day pass
Life and Achieving Your Goals
July 25th, 2025
Instructor: Janet Dunn
Life is simple: either you achieve your goals, or you don’t. The difference almost always comes down to whether you take the action necessary to get what you want. This class will offer a simple step-by-step blueprint to help you take the action required every single day, so that you can create the life that you want. This process begins immediately, you do not have to wait. The class will help you understand how your brain works, how to make a mindset shift, find your why, and see what is in the way.
Janet Dunn has worked with hundreds of women of all ages. This work has helped them to find their why and how to get out of their own way so that they can achieve their goals. This is a satisfying enlightening process that really works. Welcome women of ALL ages.
Cost of the workshop is $40 this includes the days pass lunch not included
Healing And The Magic Of Love, Transforming Pain And Sadness Into Peace And Joy
July 28th 1:00pm-3:00pm, 2025
Instructor: Mary Alice Stuart
Many of us are experiencing the intensity of Grief at this time. We grieve about many things. The death of a family member, partner or friend can have a lasting effect on us. There's also lost love, financial crisis and health. When you transform the way you experience these life events you get to take back your power, what was, and move toward renewal, self love and self care--which will bring you back to a place of peace and true joy. This two hour workshop, we'll us meditation & sharing to: Learn how to connect to your loved ones. Learn Creative ways to honor and remember them Release yourself from the bondage of life's challenges. Receive spontaneous messages from your loved ones. Create joy from sadness and anger. Join us if you are ready to receive the blessings of connection and to honor yourself and your process. This heartwarming program will help you heal the loss of a loved one or a life event, and help you move forward with was and grace.
Mary Alice is an Empathic Medium, Clairvoyant, Healer, Meditation Teacher and Visionary. These skills have been applied to her work in Business, Government, Politics and the private sector. With her extraordinary range of powers, Mary Alice focuses to profoundly influence the lives, hopes and dreams of her clients. Her striking presence, gentle wisdom and sweet demeanor fail to hide an incisive intelligence, a penetrating intuition, and a unique ability to redefine perceived barriers, to resolve emotional roadblocks and to remove spiritual obstacles. Her knowledge and attributes are diverse and the life changing transformation she brings to each client is impossible to ignore.
Cost of the workshop is $45
Cost for workshop and day pass is $55
Introduction to Nature Journaling
July 30th, 2025
10:00am – 3:00 pm
Instructor: Starr Regan DiCiurcio
$50 for the class with lunch included
This class will provide an overview of the practice of nature journaling. In addition to Starr’s presentation, there will be independent time for journaling, and a final circle for sharing. Materials, including a journal, will be provided but please bring any supplies you enjoy using.
Starr is an interfaith minister, writer, and fervent nature journaler. She facilitates a regional group of nature journalers on Zoom and in person. Nature journaling is an effective way to deepen one’s connection to Mother Earth while cultivating inner peace and joy.
As an interfaith minister, she offers retreats, meditation classes, and spiritual direction.
Latin Dance Class
August 5th, 2025
Class cost $30
Instructor: Jennifer Cornell
Want to learn to dance to fun Latin rhythms such as salsa, merengue, and Bachata ? Jen will having you moving in no time. Jen is a certified dance Instructor specializing in Latin and swing And owner of dance moves with Jen. No partner or experience is needed. Please wear comfortable dance shoes that can slide on the floor.
Jen has a passion for both music and dance that is contagious among anyone who sees her as a Dance Instructor or DJ. If you want to get comfortable on the dance floor for a wedding, social event or want your guests to have fun, Jen can help you get there.
You are not broken and don’t need to be fixed. Your inner coach knows this. Do you? Join us as we meet this part of ourselves that is our advocate. We’ll learn how to ask ourselves powerful questions to move through stuck places that hold us back from truly accepting ourselves and leading the lives we most desire.
It’s time to rebel against that old programming and claim the strong, wise, powerful woman you have always been. Workshop facilitator, Cate LaBarre, is a Certified Master Life Coach and Daring Way™ Facilitator.
Meet Your Inner Coach
August 7th, 2025
Instructor: Cate LaBarre
Cost of the workshop is $25
To purchase lunch or a day pass call Wiawaka at 518-668-9690
Forest Bathing
August 12th, 2025
Instructor: Diane Collins
Cost of the workshop is $20, this includes the book.
$30 for the workshop and a day pass.
15 minute discussion about Forest Bathing history and benefits then personal time in local woods “bathing” in the sights and sounds that surround us. Included in program is a copy of new recent booklet “Queensbury Trails”
Diane is a Naturalist and wildflower photographer and publisher of wildflower booklets in partnership with local non-profits.
We keep hearing the phrase ”live your best life”. What does that mean? This workshop will help you explore and define what “living your best life” personally means to you. By examining your personal goals and dreams, you will be able to reveal your definition of “ best life principles” designed to provide clarity and self empowerment.
Michelle guides people to identify, focus and advocate for the life they deserve versus the life they have simply grown accustomed to accepting. Participants will leave the workshop with a clearer vision of their new path ahead.
With over 30 years of experience in the field of self-exploration and advocacy, Michelle utilizes her social work career and public speaking expertise to teach and encourage individuals to develop a variety of life skills framed around actualization of expressed goals and dreams.
Follow Your Dreams
August 14th, 2025
Instructor: Michelle Keyer
Cost of the workshop is $25
$35 for the workshop and a day pass
Nia is designed to transform our relationships with our bodies, which then, in turn, transforms our relationships with life. It's rooted in anatomy and physiology and features 52 moves based on how the body is designed to move safely and systemically. It's a fusion art of martial arts, which are about precision, focus, concentration, and readiness; the dance arts, which are about meaning, purpose, and expression; and the healing arts, which are about alignment and subtle awareness of sensations. Together, it makes for a beautiful movement blend.
What's more, Nia has shown to heal our nervous systems and help us heal the trauma, abuse, and oppression that land in our bodies. Personally, Nia teased me back into living after the loss of my daughter.
NIA Dance Class
August 19th, 2025
Instructor: Elaine Wolf
Cost of the workshop is $20
$35 for the workshop and a day pass
Ancestral healing and connection work has been important in my life for awhile now. Studying with the work of Daniel Foor, Carl Jung and Christine Valters Painter has helped me walk toward my own wholeness. This workshop will be an introduction to their work and how this can be an opportunity to know life more fully. When we uncover the layers of the stories we have lived we begin to understand ourselves in a deeper way. We will use various tools to find healing, forgiveness, and find a great pool of wisdom and insight through rituals, writing, nature, and collective support to find our way.
Rev. Janet Dunn is an ordained interfaith, inter spiritual minister. She is a certified life coach, certified meditation teacher, certified life cycle celebrant, a certified forest therapist and herbalist. She lives her work, coaches people to find more joy and freedom in their life, creates healing ceremonies, meditations and helps others find deep silence in the woods. She offers workshops on forgiveness, loving oneself, healing within, and finding joy.
Janet is lifelong seeker of joy and thoroughly enjoys guiding others on their journey.
Intergenerational Wounds and our Responsibilities:
August 21st, 2025
Instructor: Janet Dunn
Cost of the workshop is $40 this includes the days pass
Women of Mystery
August 29th, 2025
Talk by Jane Murphy
Fee for presentation is $10. Please sign up by calling the front desk at Wiawaka (518)-668-9690.
A presentation on the women authors who pioneered the mystery novel and a discussion of authors who have created outstanding female characters
Jane is a life-long mystery fan. A librarian for 40 years. Reviewer for Booklist, a journal of the American Library Association.
The Witches Dance
August 31st, 2025
There is no fee for this presentation! Please sign up by calling the front desk at Wiawaka (518)-668-9690.
Our mission is to bring Peace, Love, and Healing to the places we take our dance. Our vibe is “Outside and Free” for most places we go.