Conservation Week 2025
July 20th-25th, 2025
Workshops, Lectures and Tours During Conservation Week 2025 Below
Delicious Lunch at Wiawaka and Exclusive Boat Ride Fundraiser
July 20th 12:30pm-4:00pm
Join us for an afternoon learning about the stewardship of Lake George with a Private Boat Ride on the LGA's floating classroom. You will receive a delicious lunch at Wiawaka that includes your refreshments, entree and dessert topped off with a boat ride on the floating classroom with a dedicated LGA educator.
The boat will depart from our historic Dock promptly at 2:00 pm for an informative 2 hours learning about the Lake 's water sustainability and the efforts by the LGA to protect it.
This is an exclusive event that will sell out quickly. There will only be 40 tickets sold! The cost for this exclusive event is $60 per person and includes, lunch, a day pass at Wiawaka and a 2-hour boat ride on the Floating classroom. This afternoon is a treat to experience both Wiawaka and the LGA's floating classroom.
Appropriate dress: Please impress upon participants the importance of preparing for the probability of cold, windy weather on the lake.
Blessings of Trees and Earth-An Experiential Workshop
July 24, 2025
Cost for the workshop is $50 which includes the day pass
Instructors: Claire Nolan and Eileen Egan Mack
ome explore the wonders of nature through seeing, hearing, and sensing the wonders of Mother Earth. Stories will lead the way to interactive experiences with nature. Shower yourself with the joy of discovery of being outdoors and being with others who want to find appreciation in Nature.
Bring a notebook, insect repellent, a hat, a towel, swimsuit, pencils. We will talk, write, listen, feel, and we will end the afternoon with a swim in the blue waters of Lake George(optional). Or you can just sit on the dock and dip in your toes!
Rachel Carson Performed by Claire Nolan
July 24th, 2025
Presenter: Claire Nolan
Just the lecture is $20, get dinner and the lecture for just $35.
Claire Nolan is an educator and a storyteller. She has combined those two passions in her portrayals of important historical figures from US and world history. What are First Person Portrayals of Historic Characters? What can you expect during a performance? During a “first person” performance, the actor takes on the role of the historical figure. She dresses in period costume and may portray herself as a person who has no idea how things have changed since her historical period.
During her presentation Claire also hopes to provide a springboard for discussion of the historical character and her time and place. Claire’s repertoire includes Mary Harris (Mother) Jones, Rachel Carson, Georgia O’Keeffe and Marie Curie. She welcomes suggestions for other important women from history to add to her repertoire. Claire’s portrayals are especially appropriate for Middle School, High School and Adult audiences.