Call for Women Artists

Wiawaka Center for Women on Lake George is accepting applicants for their Artist in Residence program, being held July 7th-13th, 2025.

Eligible applicants are Women artists working in 2-D Fine Art media (no sculpture, craft or photography) who will reside at Wiawaka and create at least two works on site inspired by the historic Wiawaka property and Lake George. The week concludes in an exhibit and sale Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. 25 percent of sales goes back to Wiawaka. A room and board fee is charged if accepted and artists must stay on property during the residency. Interested artist’s should send the following information to

 Artist’s Statement, labeled with last name, first name, title

 Artist’s Resume, labeled with last name, first name, title

 (5) five jpegs showing representative examples of your artwork

 Label the images with your last name, first name, followed by the name of the image ( ex. SmithJaneLakeView1.jpg)

 Images should be between 72 dpi and 300 dpi and the file size should be less than 10mb.